Voicemail Systems

Uniting Voicemail and the Internet
The Internet is a crucial component of running a successful business and permeates many aspects of normal day-to-day business functions, including voicemail. Coast Electronics has the tools and expertise to deliver the latest in voicemail technology to your business through Voice Over IP (VoIP) and SIP Trunking.
Our technicians have years of experience and will provide you with expert installation, maintenance, and support for your voicemail system. Beyond the high-quality service we offer on the products we install ourselves, we will provide support for systems you already have in place as well.
Voicemail Products and Services
Our team of certified professionals at Coast Electronics will ensure your business is equipped with the leading industry standard in voicemail technology. Below is a look at a few of the products and accompanying services we provide.
IPitomy Systems

IPitomy is not your average VoIP provider. Our decided private branch exchange (PBX) in the Amazon Cloud will serve all of your communication needs.
With IPitomy in the Cloud, your phone will function anywhere there is an Internet connection.
Some voicemail functions include:
- 1000-hour voicemail without port-access limitations
- Access to your voicemails anywhere with voicemail-to-e-mail unified messaging
Avaya Aura Systems

Avaya Aura Messaging has a user-friendly interface that enables you to manage e-mail, voicemail, and fax messages on any smartphone device, tablet, or laptop.
With Avaya Aura messaging, you will have the following:
- Anytime access to messages
- Alerts to critical messages
- Gives flexible deployment options as well as ability to centralize or distribute per business need
SIP Trunking Services

Old-fashioned phone lines are no longer able to keep up with modern technology—their price is too high, and their yield of effectiveness is too low. SIP Trunking Services can bring your business what it needs to stay connected and technologically relevant at a fraction of the cost of traditional phone lines. Some of the advantages of bringing SIP Trunking to your business include:
- Cost savings of 50% and more compared to traditional lines
- Superb voice quality
- Bundled inbound and outbound packages
For more information regarding VoIP and SIP Trunking, contact one of our representatives today.
Key Voice Box Systems
Although Key Voice no longer exists, Coast Electronics still supports and maintains these systems.
Get the Most Out of the Internet
Let Coast Electronics help you and your business get the most out of the Internet with our voicemail technology services. Give us a call or fill out our form today.
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